Pink Bouquet with Hearts ©

Pink Bouquet with Hearts

Bouquet from big pink roses, lisianthuses and pink mimigerberas scented with greenery and decorative hearts. For wife, lover, for a newborn, to say thank you or just for joy. In size and style like on the picture - or you can send De Luxe version with more flowers than on the picture. Flowers are hand delivered fresh and in best quality. This basket needs to be ordered at least 2-3 days in advance (unlike most bouquets which can be delvered on the same day). If you would like to delivere it earlier, ask us by email or message /whatsapp our phone number.

Please choose:

Price already contains the delivery to any place in Slovaka (in EUR) or Czech Republic (in CZK) inlcuding your message on an enclosed card.
Date, when you wish the delivery: